Law Office of Jennifer C. Phillips
Law Office of Jennifer C. Phillips 

Spousal Support or Alimony


Spousal support or alimony is money paid by one spouse or ex-spouse to the other as part of a dissolution proceeding. Many factors affect whether spousal support is paid and how much and for how long it will be paid. These factors include:

  • Duration of the marriage 
  • Ability of the receiving spouse to earn an income
  • Education level and work history of the receiving spouse
  • Paying spouse’s ability to pay
  • Terms and enforceability of any prenuptial / premarital agreement
  • The ages and physical health of both spouses
  • Time the receiving spouse stayed out of the workforce to raise the parties’ children.



Contact Us

Law Office of Jennifer C. Phillips

5315 College Avenue

Oakland, CA 94618

Mailing Address:

4096 Piedmont Ave #416

Oakland, CA 94611

Email:  info@jcphillipslaw.com

Phone:  (510) 495-5898

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